LMC Citation FAQ

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Citation FAQs

Intext citation: MLA in-text parenthetical citations

Internet Citations: What do I need and how do I find it on the webpage?
Author/Editor.  “Title of Web Page.”  Title of Website/Homepage. Update/copyright.  Sponsoring

Institution. Date Searched  <http://address/of/URL>. 

If you cannot locate one of the required facts on the webpage you are using do the following:

1) Locate a homepage link and check that page for the item(s) you need.

2) Truncate (shorten) the URL/web address to locate a homepage.

3) If you truly cannot find a citation fact, skip it and go onto the next items in the citation.

Parenthetical Reference

If you use the name of the author within you sentence, you only need to include the page number at the end. 
Example:  According to Joey Jones, the Internet.... (25). 

A web page does not [usually] have page numbers.  Only include the author's name in the reference. See teacher for further instruction.

How do I prepare a parenthetical reference for a web page if web pages don’t have numbers? 

For any type of source, you must include information in your text that directs readers to the correct entry in the works-cited list. . .Web documents generally do not have fixed page numbers or any kind of section numbering. If your source lacks numbering, omit numbers from your parenthetical references, or intext citations.

If your source includes fixed page numbers or section numbering (such as numbering of paragraphs), cite the relevant numbers. Give the appropriate abbreviation before the numbers (Rothman, pars. 19-20). (Pars. is the abbreviation for paragraphs.) For a document on the Web, the page numbers of a printout should normally not be cited, because it may vary in different printouts.

Sometimes the web address is really, really long. How much of the URL is needed? 

An excessively long URL will not always connect you to the information directly. Sometimes, you need to go to the homepage and navigate to the information you need.

Cite a usable URL that will assist the reader. For example, for an online database, you may cite the URL of the site's searching page/home page. Such a URL, combined with the other information in the entry (author, title, etc.), normally will allow the reader to trace your source.

Use the site's home page and special links that the reader should follow. For instance, here is how to list a report originally published in print and now posted at the MLA's Web site:

"Significance of Primary Records." Profession 95. New York: MLA,1995. 27-50. 5 Feb. 2001. MLA. 23
     Mar. 2001 <http://www.mla.org/>, click on "Reports and Documents."

Always test the URL in a new browser window and see if you can get back to your information.


Wikipedia Disclaimer

Wikipedia: Academic use- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Academic_use

Paper Format





Links to More Information

Assembling a List of Works Cited in Your Paper
This page is from the Duke University "Guide to Library Research."

CBE Style Guide: Style Guide for Bibliographies and Footnotes
This Guide provides examples of scientific format, using the Name-Year (or Harvard) System.

Citing Sources - Secondary
Students can view sample citations and try out the tutorial that is available by clicking on Help.

Citation Style for Research Papers
Color coded citations simplify the structure of citations for students.

Citation Styles Online
This site provides answers to commonly asked questions and citation examples in several citation formats.

Citation Styles, Plagiarism & Style Manuals
This guide from the UC Berkeley Library answers the basic questions about citing sources and plagiarism, and includes the formats for print and electronic citations.

Columbia Guide to Online Style
This guide includes MLA, APA, and CBE citation styles.

Electronic References

This is the official APA site.

Humanities: Documenting Sources
This is an extremely inclusive MLA citation guide that gives examples for citing everything from an online journal article to an advertisement.

Landmarks Citation Machine

This site will create citations for you when you fill out a form for any type of resource.

Modern Language Association
This is MLA's official website. 

OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue University

Using Modern Language Association (MLA) Format

Sciences: Documenting Sources
Here you will find scientific format, using the Number (or Citation-Sequence) System.










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